Executive Team
The Executive Team is the executive arm of the Trust Board, focusing on operations and resources and supporting the educational performance of the Academies. It operates under the leadership and direction of the Chief Executive and Accounting Officer and includes the Deputy CEO and Director of Primary, Chief Finance and Operating Officer and Finance Specialist. The Executive Team works directly with staff in each Academy to ensure that the Trust’s strategic plan (incorporating the Academies’ development plans) are being implemented, and the required outcomes are achieved in accordance with the direction and vision of the Trust Board.
Steven Lock
Chief Finance and Operating Officer
Cross MAT Team
Teaching School Hub Team
Laura Moss
ITT Coordinator
School Leaders
Boleyn Trust Headteachers take the lead role on working with the CEO and wider Executive Team to develop a collaborative School vision, which embraces excellence, high standards and inclusion. Our Headteachers secure excellent teaching to achieve high standards of learning and attainment across the primary phase, including preparation for secondary education.