Stephen Foster


Stephen is currently an Education Consultant serving Newham, Richmond, and Wandsworth Local Authorities. Before this, Stephen had a distinguished career serving in Secondary Headship roles at The Bridge Academy (Hackney) and St. Bonaventure’s Catholic Academy (Newham) with both academies judged to be outstanding. In addition, Stephen also served as Executive Principal of Randal Cremer Primary School (2014 – 2015). Stephen has been a London Leader of Education (2008 – 2015). Since 2015, Stephen has been working as a consultant supporting a wide range of school’s senior leaders.

Ellen Kemp


Ellen is retired, yet still serves as the Parish Safeguarding Officer at St Mark’s Forest Gate and is a Trustee of the Chelmsford Diocese Education Trust. Ellen is a very experienced Governor of over 25 years standing and delivers Governor training for new Governors in Newham. Ellen has been a member of the Chelmsford Dioceses Educational Trust and works closely with education advisors within the Diocese. Ellen serves as a member of Newham SACRE and supports local governing bodies to ensure they offer challenge and support to school leaders.

The Venerable Mangala


The Venerable Mangala is the Chief Buddhist Monk at the East London Buddhist Cultural Centre. He studied at Colombo University and graduated with a BA in Religious Studies before entering the Buddhist monastery, where he has been a Buddhist monk for over 35 years. The Venerable Mangala is extremely active in the local community working with other faith leaders and communities. He represents the Buddhist community on Newham’s SACRE Board which supports the way RE is taught in academies. Mangala is a frequent faith visitor to schools, leading assemblies, and hosts visits for academies to visit his temple.

Enitan Porter-Morris


Enitan is a retired teacher who has served the majority of her 19 year long career in Newham.

Enitan’s experience and knowledge is largely in early years education within in primary school classes, nursery schools, children centres and a private nursery.

Enitan has extensive experience of working with and supporting families and prior to her teaching career she was an Education Social Worker in Hackney.

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Denny Cornuaud


Denny has lived & worked in Newham for almost 30 years. She is married with two grown up children who both attended Tollgate Primary

She is proud to serve the residents of Newham, working for two community Lead organisations. Denny is the Community Engagement and Partnerships lead for Plaistow South Big local and a Creative Community Builder & Producer for Culture Within Newham. Denny has a deep-rooted connection with the borough and sits on several steering groups and boards which include Newham Hertiage and Money A&E.

Denny has experience as a trustee as well as serving as a secondary school governor for over 6 years. Denny has a long-standing connection to the trust having previously worked for Tollgate. She is dedicated to making a positive difference to her community.
(Photo by Ilyas Ayub.)

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Asha Choolhun


Asha is a qualified solicitor specialising in mental health and family law. Asha has been a law volunteer and is active in local charities providing sports and coaching programmes for young people. Asha has had over 10 years’ experience in maintained and academy governance. In addition to her legal role, Asha manages an extensive property portfolio to support vulnerable families find affordable and safe housing.

Clive-Anthony Douglas MBE

Trustee – Chair

After serving a 12-year commission in the Royal Marines and Government Military Services, Clive has over twenty-five years of experience in the sports and business management sector. Clive has managed leisure facilities, sports complexes, libraries and parks for Greenwich Leisure and Westminster Council. He has overseen multi-million-pound business ventures and has had responsibility for over two hundred staff.

Clive is a strong community advocate for young black achievement. He has had wide experience of mentoring BAME education staff into leadership positions. Clive has been a governor and trustee for over 20 years. Clive’s long-term commitment to Education was recognised with an MBE in the 2021 Honours List.

John Rolfe MBE


John is the Schools Outreach and Engagement Manager at the British Council. Originally from Yorkshire, John studied at the University of Essex in Colchester and the University of Minnesota in the USA. John has managed several educational programmes throughout his career at the British Council and developed and managed the flagship British Council International School Award scheme in the UK and globally.

Johns’ long-term commitment to international education was recognised with an MBE in the 2018 Honours List.

Mohammed Mamun


Mohammed is a manager in the NHS and comes to the Trust with a wealth of experience within the areas of people management, service improvement and business planning. Mohammed was born and raised in Newham and has been a school governor and trustee for over 10 years.

Nina Panayis


Nina is a retired Headteacher, having spent almost 30 years working in The London Borough of Newham. Nina continues to work part-time as a consultant in school improvement and provides leadership support. In 2003, Nina was UK Teacher of the Year in a Primary School and currently serves as UK judge for Pearson Teaching Awards.

Patricia Regis


Patricia worked for the London Borough of Newham for 28 years as a Senior Law Clerk. She has 20 years’ experience of being a school governor and experience of being Chair of Governors. Patricia has worked as a Counsellor for Newham Victim Support as a volunteer. She remains active as a community advocate to support social justice and equality.

Rosemary Tehrani


Rosemary was a primary school teacher for almost 40 years. She has extensive experience of working in multicultural and multilingual communities. She is a specialist in improving outcomes for children who use English as a second language.