This week we have participated in workshops to learn more about Black history.
Reception and Key Stage 1 had a workshop that helped them celebrate that we are all a little bit the same and a little bit different!
The children have explored the struggles and achievements of historic and contemporary black women from the past 250 years. They looked at women such as abolitionist Mary Prince and civil rights activist Rosa Parks, alongside child protestor Ruby Bridges- whose rebellious act of simply going to school made her a symbol for the discrimination faced by so many. The children have enjoyed learning about the actions of women, from Africa and the Caribbean, to America and England, and how they have shaped our history.
Year 5 and 6 have also been exploring the impact of the Black Lives Matter movement and its place in a tradition of Black people using the power of protest to effect change. The workshop encourages young people to understand that you are never too young to make a stand; as a wise man once said – “If not me, then who? If not now, then when?”